Friday, August 31, 2007


Ok, yesterday was my second day of class. I had Advertising: Creativity and the American Culture first. Wow! This class is going to ROCK! I'm totally stoked about diving into this class. The professor is Israeli(no telling how wrong that was spelled), and teaching our American Culture class. He did make sure to point that out to us all. It's a really big class. 400 or so I think. Anyhow, our assignments for the first night were watching a speaker on youtube, and reading two shorter online articles. All of which were very interesting. Critical issues in Journalism was another big one. Sadly, I must confess I was nearly 10 minutes late for this one. Eek. It happens I guess, but hopefully not again anytime soon. Apparently it takes a while to get out of classrooms with 400 students. Who would've thought that everyone wants to leave when class is dismissed? That is on my to-do list for my 3day weekend: Finding shorter routes to classes from classes. The journalism class makes me nervous though.'s so..boring. I'll survive though.
Well that was it for yesterday.
Boy do I wish that was true.
So, I had like, 30 chemistry problems and 26 pages of reading to do for the Biology class. I walked over to the Co-op after my classes yesterday morning to pick up my book, still not knowing what I was to do about the chemistry work. Well, as soon as I walk into my dorm, I saw an email saying I was being dropped from the Bio class. WHAT!? I'm in a first-year-interest group, which is a group of freshman studying something similiar. This same group was pre-scheduled for 3 different classes, one of which was Bio. So I thought I had immunity from the prerequisites described.
I even emailed the TA, professor, and my advisor.
Well long story a little shorter and a lot less stressful, things got mixed up, and all of the FIG members were being dropped, but placed in an alternative biology class. This one for non-majors. Yes!
It meant no reading those pages, and no chem homework! woohoo!
I did have to go back to the Co-0p and get refunded for my book. Which I found out, the other bio class had a book half the price of the original.
Ok, I reallllly need to go get ready for class. So, ciao!


BrotherBoog said...

Gig'em & God Bless - Two Things: 1st, remember that more than likely, the boredom of your first journalism class is specifically designed to weed out "wannabe posers" or people who really aren't interested in journalism. 2nd, congrats on Bio/Chem - that's stuff no fun for anyone, especially when it has absolutely nothing to do with your major. Have a great weekend--please eat some good food in cool place for Flo & Me...some barbecue joints down south of the river near barton springs are pretty good & stay out of the cross dressing bars!!

marci peach said...

Meredith way to GO!! I am so glad that we can keep up with you and your exciting new chapter of life. I hate that I just really started knowing you when it was time for you to go away. That's okay, I can still say "I knew her when..."
Seriously though, all of Malakoff is proud of you for your accomplishments, so turn Austin upside down, or maybe right side up?